Monday, January 11, 2010

Give Me What I Deserve...... If Anything!

Politics - Are We Entitled To Anything?

Some many people tend to believe that life owes them something, or they owe something to the world. Others believe one must work for even the smallest of accomplishments in life...and being that many things in the world are scarce, many people will go without. In answering this question I've come up with a list of five things people should be entitled to. This has isn't emotional things such as love or freedom, but material things that could be provided by a government or social program.
         The Declaration of Independance seems to hold that peoples are entitled to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but even the way government, society, and neighborhoods are structured now, this dream can't be realized. But is seems as though even the founders of our nation believed that people are entititled to certain things in this life.   
            Most of the things on my list aren't unreasonable, and some things aren't earned and other things are. I think that people will live better lives if they're provided with the Five items on my list. Most people who achieve obtaining all of these items live better, stress free lives. The only issue would be that you can't get something for nothing in this world, something has to be given up, even if its only time. So my list probably evokes sacrifices, higher taxes, etc. But I'm pretty sure you won't be giving up more than your getting. So after all that heres the list....

Five Things People Should Be Enititled To:

  1. Health Care or Medical Service....Protection of life and survival is important

  2. A Parent/ Guardian...Each person deserves someone to look up too, and come to in a time of crisis when they're young

  3. A Home....Not neccessarily a mansion, but a Standard One Bedroom, One Bath house

  4. Some sort of Job as relates to their skill, Some jobs are open to any, with comparable for rent for a standard, as well as neccessary food, and clothing

  5. 3 Meals a Day...Everyone gets enough to pay for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Which would constitute a modest meal, at appropriate portions

This list is very much a rough draft, as there is probably more, and some people may feel we aren't enititled to these things, and they should be removed from the list, but this is what  would like people to comment and talk about....A lot of people may feel we have these service right now such as welfare, and job placement, medicare, fostor homes, but most of these programs are on a first come first serve basis, with many stipulations, and lack of oversight. I'm proposing a guranteed enititlement to these things just by being born
        This list does abandon achievement, wealth, or success becuase mansions, fancy cars, and like will have to be worked for just like they are now. All I'm trying to do is make that everyone has a chance at Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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